[Lexus SC (UZZ40)] | [Crown Athlete / Royal (GRS18#)] |
[Celsior (UCF3#)] | [Soarer (UZZ40)] |
- Specs / Standard Meter Core Exchange Required, 320km/h Display, Includes Tom′s Logo
- Specs / Standard Meter Core Exchange Required, 320km/h Display, Includes Tom′s Logo
* 1: Please acknowledge that displayed text may not show up uniformly.
* 2: Displayed text are different than factory standard text.
* 3: Product compatibility depends on the shape of the side brake indicator located on the center of the speedometer. Circle indicates compliant, triangle indicates incompliant.
* 4: Please acknowledge that needle may become unstable for speeds at or under 10km/h.
* Please allow up to 2 weeks for vehicle down time for the Meter will be required to be shipped to us. Please acknowledge and plan ahead.
* All components serviced at TOMs is reservation only. Please download and fill out the following form and send it in by fax.
Exclusive order form (PDF: 7KB)
* Proper disassembly methods for the Meters can be accessed from the following manuals. (Please download and follow instructions accordingly but use at your own discretion. We are not responsible for any damages or injuries.)
Instruction manual for CELSIOR(UCF3#) (PDF: 148KB)
Instruction manual for SOARER(UZZ40) - LEXUS SC(UZZ40) (PDF: 79KB)
Instruction manual for CROWN_ATHLETE / ROYAL (GRS18#) (PDF: 108KB)